“I Was Never A Lost Girl” [Trevor, Liv, Killian – Present Day]

Neverland Jungle
Trevor shifted the club he always carried over his shoulder, having watched in silence much like Tinkerbell on the group along with the others. Peter having gone off to mess around with Liam after the man had stormed off after giving Killian one Hell of a yell-fit. The exchange only made the boy’s lips curl into a smile that he couldn’t hide and he shook his head at it, standing beside Felix whom seemed to just be staring idly. The red clothed female took off just a bit after Liam had, Liv having came back into the camp after speaking to Liam, nothing went past the boy’s ears so it was no surprise that another Lost Boy informed him that they had spoke of Peter’s deep secret but Trevor would not play that card until Peter gave permission to do so. He waited for just a few more minutes, raising an apple to his lips as he bit into it he soon tossed it on the ground as he stepped from the bushes, the apple turning into a blackened mass that soon disappeared. “Well don’t fall asleep on my account, Captain Hook.” Trevor called out to Killian, the other Lost Boys following in suit behind him as they gathered around. If Peter was not around, the boys answered to either Trevor or Felix, they both were Peter’s right hand men so to speak and would do anything either of them said. “Party has just begun…and we’d like to welcome you, personally, back to Neverland.” He swung the club in his hand back and forth briefly before his eyes set on Liv and he grinned in her direction, “Long time, no see, Liv Teague.” He leaned a bit where he was standing, arching one brow up partially as he looked at the both of them with a smile.

Neverland Jungle

“Well, just go throw yourself a fucking pity party then!” Liv shouted after him as he disappeared once again. After doing this, however, she felt like an angsty teenager and that only shamed her more. They were adults yet they were fighting like children. This place was messing with all of their heads. She breathed out in exasperation and stood up angrily. What he had said about Killian loving her had really gotten to her. Stupid and afraid… She was being smart in not admitting to love him back, right? Protecting him. Loving him would only give her enemies something to use against her. She couldn’t lose Killian. Not again. So, what she was doing was really for Killian as well… Or at least that’s what she tried to keep telling herself. “He was right about something… I should have never come back here,” she muttered under her breath in defeat. “Stupid!” she cursed herself, kicking a few rocks on the path on her way back to where they’d set up camp.
The first thing she noticed was that Ruby wasn’t there anymore. It worried her at first since the girl had been talking about going off and exploring earlier, but she shook it off, assuming that she had gone to comfort Liam. Good, let someone else pity him and attend to his wounds, because I won’t be doing it, she thought bitterly to herself as she sat down. Killian spoke and she scoffed, but did not look at him. He was only defending his brother. She turned to face him when he said that they’d have to take him before they take her. He had to know that it wasn’t what she wanted. That she was trying to protect him and didn’t want his protection! But she was unable to get a word in as he kissed the corner of her mouth and immediately went off to bed. Liv gave a frustrated sigh and remained sitting facing the fire, thoughtfully. There would be no sleeping for her tonight.
A famililar voice startled her and she whipped her head around to look at him. It was a voice she had not heard in a long time and had even forgotten about its existence. “Trevor…” she spoke in an unsure tone as she stood up slowly. There was something in her voice that sounded a bit like pity, but a moment later her expression hardened and her tone went cold. “Still carrying around that stupid club I see.” She would not let him get to her nor anyone else in this land. Not anymore, anyway. “Wake up, Killian. An old friend’s here to see us,” she told Killian, but her eyes never left Trevor.

Neverland Jungle

Killian wasn’t asleep he was just kinda resting his eyes as he laid there before he heard Liv “Your not stupid .. I wanted you here Liv so I didn’t have to lose you again.” he said softly he had seen Ruby leave earlier, saying something about exploring as he moved on the ground to get comfy. He heard movement and heard Trevor and sighed before he felt Liv “I’m awake.” he mumbled and sat up then stood as he looked at Trevor “What do you want?” he asked staring at him “What? Pan afraid to come here so he had to make his little lost boys come?” he asked raising a eyebrow, he wasn’t in the mood for Trevor or any of the lost boys at this point. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, keeping Liv by him “We don’t want you here Trevor .. I don’t want to hear your pathetic threats so you should go back to Pan.” he mumbled as he stared him down.

Neverland Jungle
Trevor chuckled as he paced a little where he was standing, swinging the club continuously back and forth before him, the other Lost Boys coming out from behind him to go about sitting somewhere in the little camp the group had set up. Trevor shrugged his shoulders in Liv’s direction, motioning the club out towards her with a smile, “Well you did make it for me, and it’s always nice to have something to remember you by.” He rose his brows and widened his eyes with a continued smile on his lips, his smile only growing wider as Killian rejected their welcoming and he gripped onto his cloak a bit before chuckling at Killian, “Think Pan is having too much fun destroying the last bit of sanity your brother has left, Hook.” He paused for a moment as he walked closer to them, he was the tallest out of all the Lost Boys and for the most part, if one was not paying attention, they could mistake for an adult male. Swinging the club to hang slightly back over his shoulder, he looked at the both of them. Leaned a bit and with a smirk plastered on his lips, he spoke, “How is he doing, by the way? We know the Echo Caves can be rather…destructive.” His eyes met Liv’s for just a moment as he stood there but soon broke from the contact after he looked her over just briefly, “Here’s the thing, Killian. You are on Pan’s territory.” He flipped his club out and jabbed it at Killian’s chest then, shoving it into him to make him collapse back onto the ground as he kneeled down in front of him, gripping the club in his hand, a wicked smile came on his lips then, “Means this is our territory as well.” He twirled his hand around, picking the club back up as he rose back to his feet and looked to Liv, “Look who is all grown up.” He advanced towards her, walking around her as if he was assessing prey, his eyes trailing over her slowly before he stood behind her, “Liked you better as a Lost Girl, Captain.” He leaned his head in towards her ear as he whispered the words to her, putting emphasis on her name on purpose to cause her some kind of uncomfortable feeling, not that he couldn’t do that with just his presence. He shoved himself passed her and spun around to look at them again, “We’re the home office!” He held his hands out at his sides as he walked back from them with a laugh, “Welcome back to Neverland!” He beamed with excitement, “Let’s get this party started, shall we?” He tipped his head about as the other Lost Boys got to their feet and circled around Killian and Liv.

Neverland Jungle

Liv’s fists remained clenched at her sides as Killian spoke to Trevor. She didn’t look over at Killian at all, but kept her eyes on Trevor. Her eyes narrowed as he swung the club around but she finally took her eyes off him when other Lost Boys appeared. A couple she recognized, but most she did not. Of course Pan had found more hopeless children to do his dirty work for him. Trevor brought her attention back to him when he spoke. Her eyes widened a bit, subconsciously and she swallowed hard, not having a comment to that. She was incredibly aware of Killian next to her at that point and only hoped he hadn’t caught what he’d just said. As Trevor made a crack at Liam, she tensed up, not for Liam’s sake, but for Killian’s. “Killian, he’s not worth it,” she muttered to him, hoping he was not thinking of doing anything stupid, but she caught Trevor’s eye when he glanced at her. She gave a small shake of her head that was hardly noticeable. She was not even sure if he noticed it or knew what it was for. But when he mentioned the caves she was internally begging him not to bring it up anymore. Not with Killian right there. There was no point in trying to break him. He’d been through so much already tonight. When Killian was shoved onto the ground by Trevor’s club, she took a step forward towards him in a violent manner towards Trevor, but soon he was standing back up. Liv took a couple steps backward when he started walking towards her, suddenly feeling incredibly self-conscious as he looked her up and down. She didn’t look at him as he walked around him, but when he spoke in her ear, she whipped around to look at him. He had accomplished what he had meant to in making her feel comfortable. She glared at him, hatred clear in her eyes. When he shoved passed her she had a strong urge to go after him. Maybe hit him a few times for still working for Pan. She was bigger than him now after all. But the other Lost Boys surrounded them and she had no doubt that Pan was not far away with something up his manipulative sleeve. Liv unsheathed her sword as all of the Lost Boys started to circle them, immediately getting back to back with Killian. “Trevor, don’t do this,” she locked eyes with him and pleaded, though her tone was still somewhat harsh. She leaned back, putting her mouth closer to Killian’s and whispered, “Where’s Red?” The girl was nowhere to be seen, nor was Liam. She hoped that meant they were together, but she couldn’t get pass the feeling that might not be true. Despite how much she hated Liam with a fiery passion and wouldn’t mind beating the shit out of him at the moment, she did not want him dead and if anyone was going to hurt him right now it was going to be her. Not his worthless child of a father.

https://i0.wp.com/31.media.tumblr.com/fc100540a684c655a70b887c2b7ec87b/tumblr_muzucypoNc1rkxlc6o2_r1_500.gifNeverland Jungle.

Killian’s face fell as he looked at Trevor “What is he doing to my brother?” he asked stepping towards him “Where the hell is my brother.” he said clearly pissed as he glanced at Liv when he had said something about his club before looking at Trevor again “You guys destroyed my brother and you will pay for it .. I promise you that Trevor.” he growled out and glared a little before he scoffed “I’ve been here before and I got off .. not once but twice do you really think I care that I’m on your little territory?” he hissed and backup again and looked at him before he heard Trevor speak to Liv and knew they had a thing years ago, he knew it and he was hurt very hurt as he slowly looked at Liv with a hurt expression “You two had thing?” he asked and backed away from her “Are you happy now? I mean you’ve hurt me quite alot today and not once have I seen you say sorry or show any anything!” he yelled at her “You know what?! Just to make you happy and So you don’t hear me tell you that I love you because it seems like you think its pathetic .. you can stay away from me for the rest of the day .. I don’t even want see you.” he said his voice lowering as he spoke as he put his hand up “Don’t even try to say sorry .. Its too late Liv.” he said and turned from her and rolled his eyes at Trevor and watched the lost boys circle around them and felt Liv’s back on his as he moved from her and took his sword out.

“Little Red is fine Liv.” Felix said as he suddenly came out and smiled a evil smile “She’s in safe hands .. Don’t worry.” he smirked and walked up to her “I’ve here for awhile and i heard a few things .. interesting things.” he said nodding a little before shaking his head “Like the captain here .. Loves ya right? but you know what i never heard? i never heard a i love too.” he said smirking. He moved a little losing his smirk and became more serious “I know you Liv personally but i know for a fact that your scared of your own feelings and just so you know he doesn’t need your protection because he has oh so lovely brother right captain?” he asked Killian who glared at him before Felix clapped his hands together loudly “How about a small story.” he stated at Liv “So you know that thing you had with Trevor here and you didn’t tell captain here .. Captain here had been waiting! waiting! for you to come to him because he loved you so much and nothing has changed has it captain?” he asked as Killian looked at him frowning “You still love her and you want here but of course she’s too afraid of her silly little feelings .. you know Liv you broke the man behind you because you just didn’t say the words and to be honest for once I’ve seen a captain so in love with someone.” he shrugged before he pointed his sword at her and looked at her sword before he swung it out her hand “I know what you were thinking Liv and I wasn’t going to let happen.” he stated as he looked at her, staying in front of her.

Neverland Jungle – Present Day
Whatever Pan wants.” Trevor replied back to Killian, leaning as he swerved his form a bit out of boredom it seemed, ‘Relax, Captain Crunch.” He laughed out loud, “Liam will be joining you soon…as soon as he finds out how to get back that is.” He tipped his head towards the entrance of the jungle where Liam had originally came from, the jungle plants now growing in front of it to cover it up. “Trying to break an already broken toy?” He asked him, “A promise I hope you plan to keep.” His tone going into once that was spine-chilling at best, “Because Pan let you…and look at you now, Captain. Its like none of you ever left.” He widened his eyes in a smartass manner with a grin. Twirling and flipping the club around as he listened to Killian begin to go off on Liv, he soon opened his mouth but the only thing that came out was laughter, “Dwelling on the past in Neverland gets you nowhere.” He snapped out at Killian, but it seemed that his snap was more of a defensive snap and it was directed in Liv’s defense it seemed, “Getting mad at Liv over a past will gain you nothing.” He narrowed his eyes towards Killian but soon dropped the head of his club to the jungle ground, pressing his palm into it to lean against it as Felix began to speak, allowing the boy to speak of whatever his little heart felt the need to do so in. His eyes slowly drifted to Liv where the Lost Boys had them at weapon point now, dangerously close. But he soon looked away just as quickly once her pleading tone came out, running his tongue along the inside of his mouth briefly he scoffed, “You think pleading me will do anything, Captain?” He looked back to her once more and shrugged his shoulders, “Pan orders us to kill, we kill…but our limitations lie in that aspect. We were not given permission to kill, only to hurt.” He explained as the Lost Boys drew back their weapons, dropping them to their sides as they slowly stepped back. The jungle plants soon whipped around, sounds of voices coming through as Felix glanced to where Liam and Geoff emerged from the jungles. The two males speaking before completely freezing where they were. “…Trevor.” Liam had spoke his name, Trevor twisted his wrist around and picked up his club by the handle once more with a grin, “Captain, how nice of you to join us.” He said but his eyes soon turned towards Geoff who was nervously backing away from them all, “Bad little rat, you are.” Trevor stepped forward now towards him and Geoff swallowed visibly, “I’ve done what Pan wanted, done it all…his deal. I was to be let go.” He stated to him and Trevor tilted his head, “Your deal was with me, not Pan.” He reminded him and Geoff took a long breath, “I know a way off Neverland!” He boomed at the others quickly but his sudden outburst caused the Lost Boys to become alert and Trevor to scowl at him, “You shut your mouth, Geoff!” He yelled back at him and the man quickly looked at them all, “My deal! It was to get me out of here! You said you would grant me that! You swore!” “Your deal is terminated!” Trevor spat back at him, his voice echoing and Geoff glanced his eyes over them for a moment, gritting his teeth, “Then you’re not getting it.” He began, shifting his satchel on his belt and Trevor soon grinned, “Of course we are.” He whispered out, his voice echoing even as it was just a whisper. In a split second, Peter’s shadow flickered above them, its glowing eyes quick to catch onto where Geoff was as the man began to panic out, the shadow took a nose dive towards his direction, spinning around and slamming its hands inside of Geoff, gripping the man’s shadow as it ripped it from his body, Geoff having screamed out as this was happening. “NO!” Liam yelled out when Geoff’s body hit the ground, quick to shake at his lifeless body to try and get him awake. “No, no!” He cried out. Trevor’s eyes flickered about the faces of them all before he spoke again, “Let this be a warning to you all…if you go against Pan, you will not survive.” He was handed Geoff’s satchel then, a Lost Boy having picked it up and Trevor reached inside, bringing out a bean with a chuckle, “Pity.” He clenched it into his hand, the bean disappearing.


Neverland Jungle

Liv shut her eyes and exhaled when Killian spoke the question she had hoped he wouldn’t ask. “Killian, I was seventeen. He was… cute, I didn’t have to worry about things getting…. complicated,” she attempted at explaining, but was only digging herself a deeper grave. She flinched when he started to yell and back away from her. She didn’t mean to hurt him. This was what she was trying to avoid. Her stomach dropped when he said he didn’t want to see her. “Killian, I didn’t-“ he cut her off and turned away from her. Her cheeks burned. Did all of this have to go down right in front of Trevor? She knew he would hold it against her. This was exactly what he wanted and what Pan wanted. To tear them apart. But Trevor didn’t poke fun for once. It was almost worse hearing him say these words, though. She turned to him in disgust as he seemed to be defending her. “I don’t need your help,” she snapped at him, her tone almost childish, before standing up straight and speaking in a mature tone once again. “I didn’t then… and I don’t now.” She wondered if the same memories were burning in his mind that were burning in her own. They were painful ones. Especially as they stood there surrounded by the ones that would soon be trying to kill them. Some that used to be friends. One that used to be more. Her eyes became sad when Hook moved away from her as soon as she tried to put her back against his, but he had his sword out as well so she assumed that was good enough. They were fighting children. How difficult could it be?


It proved to be very difficult. Once again, a familiar voice spoke and Liv’s head turned to see her old friend Felix. He looked the same, except the smirk he was wearing on his face. It was most un-Felix-like and it hurt to see. “What have they done to you?” she muttered. Liv stared at Felix in disbelief when he started mocking her and Killian. He had been their friend. One of her best friends. It was the shock of his words that let her guard down and he knocked her sword out of her hand. She moved to grab it, but he was in between her and her sword and he knew she had a weakness. Liv was a pirate. She had killed before. She’d done terrible things. But she could not hurt Felix. Ignoring her words, she gambled taking a step closer to him. “Felix,” she said, forcing a small smile, though her eyes were still sad. “It’s been so long. I’ve missed you. How’s Pan been treating you?” she asked, her eyes flashing as she looked up at Trevor at this point.
When Trevor scoffed at her for trying to plead with him, her expression and tone changed from desperate to careless in a second as if she’d almost been faking it. “It was worth a shot,” she said as she looked away from him, giving a short shrug. After that she avoided eye contact with the lead Lost Boy as best as she could. “Back to being Pan’s personal pet I see,” she told him in the same careless tone, still not daring to meet his eye. The sound of voices brought her attention to Liam and a stranger walking their way. Part of her was relieved. He seemed perfectly fine. Then she noticed that Ruby was not with them. Where had that girl gone off to? She watched Trevor interact with the stranger, perking up when he said he had a way off Neverland. Trevor quickly ripped away any hopes she had of using the man though as Pan’s shadow literally ripped out the poor man’s shadow. Liv’s shoulders sunk in disappointment. As Liam pointlessly tried to awaken the already dead man. There went any hope of getting out of Neverland… she thought, before looking at Trevor for the first time and seeing him take out a bean before it disappeared. Her face lit up just a bit, wondering if that was all it took. She had several beans in her pocket at the moment. Could it be that simple? They’d never had the beans before when they’d been stuck here, so she supposed it was possible. Just in case it was, she decided to keep her beans a secret, even from Killian, until they got the opportunity to use them. If they got the opportunity. “Oi, is there a point to all this?” Liv asked, wanting to move everything along. “You have us trapped, obviously by Pan’s orders, so what shall you do with us if not kill us? Bore us to death by talking has got to be out, so please! Do share your diabolical plan with us,” she said in a bored voice. Pissing him off probably wasn’t the best strategy but she was so angry at him that she would do anything to bring his rage to her level.

Neverland Jungles

“Liam is already hurt and he will find his way back i know he will.” Killian stated back to Trevor, He knew his brother and knew he would be back and would find his way. He turned turned Liv and made a face “Do you really think I care that things wouldn’t get complicated? I was still there Liv and i still waited .. I worried about when you left and I waited up for to make sure you were fine but now that i think about it .. it was useless since you were off with him but just remember Liv .. “I love you .. I care about you and I waited for you all those years.” he said he was hurt more than anything at the moment and he wanted her to know that “I hope your happy on what you’ve done.” He hissed at her before turning from her again before he heard his brother and looked at him “Liam.” he said and walked towards him slowly before he smiled when he saw Geoff “Geoff I haven’t you in years.” he said pushing past the lost boys before he saw Peter’s shadow rip his out and ran forward when his body hit the ground as he went to his brother “Its okay brother we will find another way.” he said quietly as he stayed by his brother.

Felix rose a eyebrow hearing Liv “So you do remember me?” he asked her and smiled a little, it was a friendly smile before he snorted “You call him Peter Pan while he is my brother and he’s been treating me just fine.” he stated and saw Liam with his friend then looked back at Liv “Still remembering where Red is? like i said she’s in safe hands.” he said to her rolling his eyes a bit before he watched the shadow rip the man’s shadow out and grabbed Liv’s sword and looked at it “Pathetic.” he said and handed her sword back before raising his eyebrow at her “This is just starting this is just a warning Liv but anyways I’m off to help with Red.” he said and saluted Liv sarcastically before he jumped on a tree and climbed it before he just disappeared.

Neverland Jungle – Present Day

Look at that.” Trevor smiled as Liv and Felix began to converse, “Funny how the memories we try so desperately to forget, somehow always find their way back to the surface.” He rose his eyebrows up. Looking at Liv wasn’t exactly painful but it wasn’t comfortable either considering their past with one another, he rolled his eyes and broke eye contact with her in the process when she spoke of not needing his defensive and protective nature, “Stubborn as always, pulcher.” He stated back to her, leaning more in his standing position, his eyes darting towards Killian and Liam when Liam had shifted slightly from Killian, “Heh,” Trevor scoffed out, “Pan really did a number on you, Captain Jones.” Noticing just how pale and lifeless, broken down and destroyed the man was, it was as clear as day. “Pan is family, at least he doesn’t abandon us.” Trevor nearly snapped back in Liv’s direction when she spoke of him being Pan’s pet, his eyes darting about under the shadows of the hood he had on. “Pan has his hands full with other business. Sending us to mess around and play with you guys was part of our deal.” He twirled the club as he walked towards her somewhat, reaching out to take a bow from one of the Lost Boys, “It’s always fun to relive old memories, right…Liv?” He grinned in her direction as he reached down to pick up a stray piece of grass, placing it in between his lips, he chewing idly on it before shifting the bow in his hand as he shoved it in her direction, “Let’s play a game shall we? You always liked games when you were a Lost Girl.” His tone not only becoming ridiculously sarcastic but also teasing as he stepped back from her swiftly a few steps, he let his club drape back over his shoulder before snatching his free hand out to catch an apple as it was tossed in his direction, he placed it upon the top of his head and began to smile, “You shoot the apple off my head like old times sake and we won’t rip your shadows one by one.” His voice going into a whisper on purpose, though his voice echoed continuously. After a few moments of silence the Lost Boys began to chant, “Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!” They all said simultaneously, as an attempt to distract Liv it almost seemed. Trevor not paying much attention after Felix had ran off, the boy had duties just as much as the other ones so he was certain Pan was most likely calling for him or something. “Shoot! Shoot!” Trevor chanted with them, his eyes locked on Liv’s as he waited for her to shoot the bow. Liam glanced over his shoulder a bit, managing to stand back to his feet as he looked around at the boys surrounding them before seeing Trevor with the apple and Liv with the bow, his eyes darted upwards as he heard the hissing and screeching of the shadows as they circled above them, waiting for the opportunity to dive down and kill them all.

Neverland Jungle

Liv was starting to feel very alone in this land. The only thing that had kept her sane the first time had been people like Killian and Felix and even Trevor and occasionally Liam. Now Killian was upset with her, Felix and Trevor were puppets of the one and only Peter Pan and Liam was… well, Liam. It angered her to see how far gone it seemed that Felix was. She glared as he picked up her sword and looked at it. He may have insulted it, but he also gave it back which was all he wanted. “Wait, help with- What do you mean?” she asked, but Felix had already left. She turned around, incredibly frustrated at the whole situation. They had to move on quickly so they could see what Pan’s plans for Ruby were. Why was the girl not with all of them? Because she did not know them? The familiar faces would not haunt her like they haunted the three who’d been here before? She was dying to know what Pan was up to, but instead she was trapped here, surrounded by children.
She looked up at Trevor with a cautious look as he started to walk towards her, looking at him with a strange expression, unsure what he was talking about. It did not seem like a fun think to relive old memories at all and she made that very clear with the look on her face. As he shoved the bow at her, she was forced to take it, her eyes still furrowed in confusion until she realized what he was going to do just before he explained it. Her expression turned to disgust as she looked at him. Of course they wouldn’t just hurt them. He’d make them bring it upon themselves. If she shot the apple off the top of his head she would be playing his game. She’d be doing what he wanted, but also with the risk of possibly missing. Liv was a good shot, often perfect, but she had not used a bow and arrow in years and years since there was no use for it when she had her sword. Who knew if she was as sharp of a shooter as she once was. Her other option seemed to be to shoot him. That would be defying his stupid little game along with him, but risked getting everyone killed, including Trevor at her hand. If she shot the apple, she’d be playing his game, but if she shot Trevor, she would lose. Her eyes darted from Killian to Liam and back to Trevor, her own thoughts drowning out the chants of the Lost Boys. “Bloody bastard,” she muttered, raising the bow, reluctantly. It seemed she would be forced to play his stupid game. She just wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out yet. She wondered if he knew what she was going to choose. Or at least thought he knew. Would she go with being unpredictable? Or stay safe. Protect her friends for as long as she could. The shadows screeched above them and the Lost Boys changed. Her eyes locked onto his as she pointed the arrow at his face. She wanted so badly to release the arrow and just let it be done. But something stopped her. This doesn’t mean you win, she thought as she glared into his eyes before releasing the arrow. It flew with such force that it sliced through the apple and pinned it to the tree behind him. “Damn, I missed,” she said in a bored tone as if she had been aiming for his face, though it was obvious what she’d meant to do. As much as she hated it, he knew her style of shooting to think anything different. He had been the one to teach her after all. “I was never a Lost Girl,” she told him firmly, her voice soft. It could be heard, but it was clear that the words were meant only for him. “Just… misguided. You know how teenagers are. When they get sucked into hanging out with the wrong crowd,” she said, bitterly. “I mean, obviously!” she said with a dry laugh, gesturing to the other Lost Boys. “There. I played your game. What next? Shall we try again? Do you want to shoot the apple off my head this time?” she asked in a false-excited voice, making a movement as if she were going to get the arrow and apple.

Neverland Jungle

Trevor began to whistle, pursing his lips together as the other boys continued to chant out to their hearts content, “Shoot it, shoot it.” He hissed out to Liv, having know the exact style and way she would hold the bow. He had taught her everything about shooting while she was here in Neverland and taught her about fighting as well. But now she was all grown up and he was curious to see if she still retained some of her old…teen ways. As he chewed silently on the piece of grass, or weed, or just plant, he smiled and rose his eyebrows in her direction in a challenging way. Rolling the club idly along his shoulder as he waited for her to aim the bow, he soon watched as she aimed it directly at the center of his face, “Release.” He taunted her, she knew for a fact that before the arrow could pierce him, he’d be able to snag it. Reflexes were something that got better with practice and since Neverland was still considered magical and a believers island, it would be no surprise he’d catch the arrow instantly. As the boys chanted loudly over any words Trevor was mouthing to Liv, she soon released the arrow, the whipping noise as it glided through the air caused the boys to go still and quiet as if awaiting to see what had happened. When Trevor had turned to glance over his shoulder, seeing the apple pierced to the tree behind him, he began to laugh, “Perfect aim, just like I taught you.” He continued to chuckle out as he sauntered to the tree and gripped onto the arrow, one jerk and it was no longer piercing the tree. Spitting out the piece of plant in his lips, he pressed his palms on each end of the arrow until it collapsed and turned into some kind of fruit, “Still like these, don’t you?” He held the fruit out in the palm of his hand with a smile as he advanced back towards Liv, getting closer to her than he had the entire night, even with her being an adult. He was still MUCH taller than her and had to look down somewhat, his free hand reached out and gripped the bow, taking it from her hands and shoving it back at the boy who had had it originally. Snatching his hand back out quickly, he took a hold of hers and placed the fruit in the palm of her hand, the swirled pattern on it the fruit a bright and vibrant yellow in color while the base was a pretty purple. “You were my Lost Girl.” He breathed out softly into her face before taking quick steps back as he twirled his club once more, the Lost Boys soon retreating to stand back behind him, “Unfortunately, the game with us ends here for tonight. But the real fun will start tomorrow. Might wanna rest up…” He reached back and jerked his hood over his head again, the shadows casting over his face once more, “Pan will be waiting.” He grinned, the boys all began to take off, running back into the jungle while Trevor did a complete spin with his form and took his time walking off, disappearing after them.

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